Happy Wednesday folks!  It’s a cold one in Michigan (-16C) but at least it’s stopped snowing finally, we got more snow on Saturday for a final weekly count of almost 18″!!  I only got the one snow day though due to the big snowstorm last week, I was back at work on Thursday and amazingly the roads were really clear.

Today is also What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday too, that Holy Grail of snooping days!  Follow the link to Julia’s blog to either sign up or to visit a few more desks.

I was sadly lacking in mojo last week, which was why I gave you a weather report instead of a desk!!  But I’ve been busy beavering away all weekend and in the evenings too, back in my happy little place!!  It’s nice to be here, I feel safe and they know me here!!


On this desk I see my pink sketch file again, some clear and wood stamps, a finished card for a couple of challenges, and my Alphabet peg stamps too.  Usual suspects.

Later, I was playing around with buttons too for a challenge blog.  Why is it that I have about three million buttons but can never find one in the right colour, and if I do manage to find the colour I want the size isn’t correct!!  I was thinking of making a button wreath and was laying it out here but I scrapped that idea and went in a completely different direction instead!  I don’t know why I have so many buttons, I really don’t!!



Apart from the buttons (can’t really miss them can you??), there’s a finished card and a snowflake card blank too, the flower and swirl card isn’t finished but I can’t think what else to do with it at the moment.  On the left is a little notebook that I’ve started writing down the challenges I’d like to enter instead of little bits of paper floating about everywhere!  I got this idea from a fellow WOYWWer, I think it was Deborah Frings from memory.  The card in the center was going to be the button wreath card but it wasn’t working out right, obviously I need to buy more buttons!