So that means the first What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday too, hosted by the ever charming Julia.  Pop over to her blog in order to join in, it’s great fun.

Well, here’s my desk this week.  I think I have a New Years Resolution…. get loads of stamps out, make a mess, neglect to clean any of it up and walk away!!  Hhm, it really does look like this, I haven’t been back in since Sunday when I made this mess, the stamps I used haven’t even been cleaned.

So not like me, although I have to say, going back to work on Monday was a shock to the system.  I felt like I’d been run over by a bus, yesterday I just felt a bit jet lagged, and today, well, it’s a bit early to tell!  The two PB stamps in the middle of the desk are for the next projects, not both together though!  There’s also Hero Arts, Tim Holtz, Inkadinkado, Studio G, more PB, Stamendous and Stampabilities stamps all strewn about.  Bits of card and scraps, paper I’d been using to protect my mat whilst I inked up a card and all my DI’s are on show too, they were in that container at the back, nice and organised, I was planning to put labels on them but I pulled them all out again, don’t think that’s going to work as a storage solution then!  Also in use, finally, is my ATG gun on the right.  I’m getting used to it, not 100% there yet!  The two tins at the back with the scalpel on top hold gems and pearls and the stamps to the left of that all need cleaning.  Ugh, must try harder… or perhaps maybe I finally have!!


I found artwork of a different kind when I got in on Monday evening…. we’re decorating our bathroom and Andrew had painted the ceiling and cut in around the walls and woodwork, inspiration struck when he was cleaning his brushes and I found this on the wall next to the sink…


And either side of the window I was greeted by these smiley faces, although the one on the right looks a bit demented!!


They’re all no more now though as they’ve been painted over, but I know they’re under there!!


So, I’m off to hop around some blogs.  Happy Wednesday and Happy First WOYWW of 2011.